Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Word Community

Best thing I learned at Guilford College is to use the word COMMUNITY as much as possible.
When you find yourself in a professional or academic situation and you are not sure what to say, just start talking about community. Even if you do know what to say you should throw that good word in.

I had an enkai (work drinking party) tonight and the principle called me God's gift to the school. Verbatim, she said I was a gift from God to her school. ( But this was one of those situations when I knew that if this person's first language was English that would probably not be the chosen vocabulary).

Not to undermine the existing love.
I did use that good word COMMUNITY at the first enkai.
When asked to give a speech about what I thought about Japanese sports day ... my speech was about community.

Caity Sensei-
What do you like about Japan? Community.
What do you like about Japanese schools? Community.
Why do you think Japanese schools are better than American schools? Community.
What do you like about Japanese food? Community.
What do you think about the students at our school? Community.
Do you have a Japanese boyfriend? Community.
What do you do with your free time, do you have lots of friends? Community.
You are so strong at drinking whiskey, how often do you drink? Community.
Do you drink alone? Community.

Thank you Guilford College.

1 comment:

amp said...

hello fellow blogging friend! why is that we are always on the same continent, yet never in the same place? laos is banging. there is one main street maybe the size of tate street that is the main road in the capital city, but they've got a great night market. no doubt i will return home with many useless crafts. don't you want to come to thailand next week instead of in december? i swear you'll get a sunburn.