Friday, March 13, 2009

The Circus Starring Britney Spears

Britney is now on tour. She will be coming to Pittsburgh March 27th. If you live in the south, well, she already went through Atlanta.
Ticrketmaster is selling tickets for over a hundred USD.

If I were in that country I would pay that to them and go.
I am being serious.
If I did not I would be "missing out on life," as Ms. Britney has said.


Leah said...

I read this with my wife and she asked me if you really, like seriously, like Britney Spears. I thought about it for a minute and said yes.

Jane said...

Leah - I am totally confused - your wife? Also I think I must not get the entire Britney thing. Yes - I am confused!

Rachel said...

I've listened to Britney's single "Circus" more than once today because I am a firecracker and I make it hot. Does that mean I get it?

Caitlin said...

Rachie, you do not just get it, you are it. Please give my mom a lesson.