And I have earned it.
I found my hammer and screwdriver last night so I could fix the screen of my window.
I put on the Bon Iver CD, used my telepathic powers to thank Matt and Katie for the new selection of music they sent me, and turned it up so I could hear it in my kitchen.
I opened the window that faces the mountains and the backdoor that leads to my small porch.
I stood over the sink, cutting strawberries and felt like the cold rain that preceded such moments justifies this temperate day and warm smell.
I forgot how much I love spring.
Seasonal conversations are ones I frequently have in Japan.
Japanese people pay close attention to seasons. When no buildings have insulation it is impossible to forget what is happening outside.
I always reply that my favorite season is fall.
Autumn allows for scarves and hats. As the days get shorter in October and November I rediscover my favorite sweaters and find turtlenecks that I can pull over my nose.
But, after emerging from dark winter days spring is a great reward.

The spring in Tokushima feels like North Carolina. The temperature, the smell, and the way the sun falls. It is reminiscent of the arboretum and porches of Greensboro, NC.
It makes me homesick for the previous five years I had spent driving up and down Market Street and Friendly Avenue or opening a PBR as dusk sets in.
I feel crazy for leaving this welcoming of warm weather to fly south where I will spend two weeks in New Zealand to greet fall.
But, I only have this crazy feeling for a moment until I realize that I will not spend any part of my day in an office that smells of kerosene.
Instead I will be wearing sweaters of yellow and orange hues, watching the leaves change as I drive south.
Upon return, Japan will be full of Cherry Blossom trees and I will be celebrating their bloom with a couple of crazies from Pittsburgh who will all converge in Shikoku.
We still have snow in the parking lot piled up against the playground fence and 30 degree weather this morning in Pittsburgh! Enjoy Japan - the yen is good and the US dollar - not so much!! mom
bubby - it is letting me leave commnets!
I like the little boy with the rocks!
Confused about your new layout photo though????
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