Saturday, December 20, 2008

Malaysia and Indonesia Bound

This again:
When I worked in North Carolina the 1st graders (in the only sane and humane classroom) would want to watch Santa Claus 2 year round. Last year, the Thursday before I left for Southeast Asia, Santa Claus 2 was on TV. So I emailed that favorite teacher.

This past Thursday, the first Santa Claus was on TV. I thought about that teacher and how we have not corresponded in about a year. I sat down to write her to tell her that I was watching Santa Claus and that the sequel is far superior to the first. She had literally sent me an email a minute before I logged in ... to tell me that that Tim Allen movie was setting in nostalgic feelings.

In a similar vain, I am currently sending all people holiday cheer via my telepathic powers.

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